Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Blizzard Bride!

A tribute to my very first wedding cake created  and to be delivered on the weekend of BLIZZARD OF 2009!  I nicknamed this my Blizzard cake!  I never thought that I wouldn't love snow... I miss the elated feeling of having no school and being able to play in the snow all day but I do not enjoy it as much as an adult!  And making wedding cakes and delivering them in the wintry weather is absolutely scary!

The amount of snow forecasted for December 19th was 24 inches!  Which was an AWFUL LOT for Northern VA!   So for the Tao Wedding I had to bump up their cake schedule and I finish the cake by Friday night so that I could deliver it that night before we got dumped with massive amounts of SNOW!!

So I talked to the restaurant manager at Good Fortune and he was expecting me to deliver by 11 pm but because it was already snowing my 9pm, he was going to close the restaurant early.    But by some miracle he was really nice and he said that he would wait for me to arrive and that I should just drive carefully.  Remind me to give them a great review for their flexibility and services!!  So the manager Frank waited for me to get there....and I arrived at 12:45 AM!!!  I left my house at 10:20pm and it took me 2 hours and 15 minutes to get to Wheaton, MD to to drop off the cake before the BIG STORM!!  It was already snowing and there was about 4 inches on the ground.  I was lucky enough that my nice boyfriend drove me in the snow and we got home by 2:30 am :)  BOY that was one of my longest nights since I was in college.

I wish I remembered to take pictures when I was on the road that night, it was very snowy!  But I was able to stay in Saturday and relax and enjoy the lovely blanket of snow the next day :)

Here is Brandon shoveling the snow off my car!  What a nice boyfriend!

I'm here standing in 20 something inches of snow on Saturday!  Here's to the Blizzard of 2009!!!

**OH!! Later, I found out the wedding and reception was pushed back until I hope the bride still enjoyed her wedding day :)

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