Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cakebee Cupcakes for Sale!

Latest buzzzz this past weekend, I did a trial sale of cupcakes at my friend Toan's Viet Noodle soup restaurant. I've been really busy so I haven't been able to update the blog as often but please do continue to check back for the latest baking update! I can't help it, I'm a one woman show...for now :)

I enlisted the help of my friend Sandy to cut out the special Toan Soup red bowl logos made out of fondant. She also help me decorate the containers while I baked and frosted all the cupcakes ^_^
Here are 50 cupcakes with 10 different flavors all packed up ready for delivery to Toan's place :)

Thanks to all those lovely customers who supported my cupcakes sales at Toan's Restaurant! I really appreciate it. I know that Viet noodle soup and cupcakes may not seem like the best combination. But I really appreciate an outlet to be able to sell my cupcakes :)

I am really happy that I was able to feature my special Bumblebee Cupcake! Yay! Its a moist vanilla bean cupcake dipped in rich chocolate ganache with a caramel swirl topped with a sugar bee! :D

I'll do another cupcake sale for the last weekend of April from Thursday- Saturday. Please support my cupcake sales in Silver Spring, MD at Toan's restaurant, help support the dreams of a struggling bakist (baker +artist)!

As for now... eat sweets and bee merry :)

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