Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yummy Chocolate Cake Bites

I have been totally into trying variations of the Cupcake Pops recipe from the Martha Stewart Living show. I made the Red Velvet Cake infusion this week. It is Red Velvet Cake infused with Cream Cheese Frosting and dipped it in dark chocolate and white chocolate. I used the Southern Red Velvet cake recipe from the Food Network.

**TIP- If you uppy the Cocoa powder to 3 tablespoons or add 4 ounces of melted chocolate into your recipe, it gives you a better hint of chocolate in your Red Velvet cake recipe.**
~Check out the Step by step process with pictures at Bakerella's site for these Cupcake Bites! :)

This is the lovely moist center of the Red Velvet Cake infused with Cream Cheese Frosting and covered in Lindt white chocolate or Bittersweet chocolate.

You can garnish with any of these for the finishing touch -

- Colored sugar crystals
- Course Sea salt (adds a nice contrast to the sweetness of the chocolate)

- Drizzled chocolate

The recipe is very time consuming but its worth it :)
This recipe makes 50 if these yummy delights... I always individually wrap mine in a mini paper cup with a small lollipop bags and twisty ties :)

And if you don't have time and would just like to eat these babies... then you can always contact me to request an order!!! Yay!

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